Dear Bride: You're Not Alone
7 Steps To Every Brides Perfect Day

Dear Bride: You're Not Alone -7 Steps To Every Brides Perfect Day
“ Dear Bride: You’re Not Alone, 7 Steps to planning your perfect wedding” is for the bride that is recently engaged, unsure or who is feeling overwhelmed about her most important next steps in planning her wedding. The book was written by Cemone Glinton, CEO of Out of Box Weddings. As a certified wedding planner she helped brides transition from the single life to married life through celebrating. She’s witnessed the overwhelmed and chaotic bride to the bride who has it all together or so she thinks she does. What she has learned from all of them is that weddings don’t just happen, weddings are created and are very intentional. After realizing this it was then and there that “Dear Bride” was created. This book is not only filled with amazing tips and suggestions BUT there are many examples to learn from. It’s never too late to get your wedding into shape - no matter where you are in the planning phase “Dear Bride” has something for everyone.
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